Well, I don’t know what to say really, today has been decently productive, although not as much as I’d like.
But still.

It’s hard not to feel overwhelmed by the things I want to learn and discover …

Usually I find that listing them helps, so I’ll attempt to do that.

Scala has been getting to me, I don’t know why that language in specific (along with others, that I will be listing shortly) and not some other equally conceptually close languages.

D-lang as well, although I don’t know if I’ll ever commit to that.

Regarding Scala, the main impetus for me I think was that it ran on the JVM, which brings about the question, why it in particular? As opposed to, say Clojure or, I don’t know … like Kotlin or something else (I mention these two languages because I thought about them more than others)

I don’t know the answer to that to be honest, I think it’s the aesthetic (???) of Scala as a general-purpose language, that can be purely functional as per the will of the writer and so on, but I suspect this is only a rationalization, ultimately perhaps it was just an off the cuff decision that I made, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

I guess the other things in my radar so to speak are:

  • WASM, WebAssembly, no real pressing interest in it, but just a shallow itch.
  • Rust, Kinda curious about this one not gonna lie, the only issue/hindrance I see from this is that I won’t have the reference point many C/C++ devs have to appreciate it’s apparent goodies. Weirdly enough, I find myself more interested in D-lang, visiting their website that one time must’ve left an impression on me (it loads super fast for some reason).
  • Of course, Haskell is still there, perhaps even more than these two.

One variable I wonder about is how easy it would be to learn their syntax and, more importantly, their new semantics.

All of these languages do not press on me half as much as other, much more interesting languages.

I am talking of course about Scheme and Common Lisp.
A corollary would be Kawa, a JVM-implementation of Scheme, but that doesn’t count since I suppose learning Scheme will be most of the work there.

I believe I will continue working through SICP, but I wonder if I should do something … in between? not sure …
But I really can’t wait to get through SICP, and then do some other LISP books, whether they are about scheme or CL.

Other than that, this isn’t the only contention point of course, because the other side of the coin is that I want to read a loooot of fiction books/stories, and a part of my brain tells me that non-fiction is probably better for me since early twenties are a good time for brain plasticity … which is a decent argument to be honest.

This is, again, secondary also to course studies, which are … another thing entirely …
A course in Programming Languages that uses Programming Language Pragmatics as a source book, although we only use the second and fourth chapter, I fancy reading the entire book …
Another course in Computer architecture, featuring Arduino and/or some other microcontroller, which interests me a bit I guess (You can see how excited I am from the ‘I guess …’), but I might want to pay more attention to this, because something peaked my interest the other day, a microcontroller called Teensy 4.1 that is quite powerful it seems like, and that is advertised in the uLisp website as being one of the fastest running with the uLisp language.
So, two things of interest there, this board, and this uLisp language.

Oh yeah, even though I dislike it by principle of its bloat, I am intrigued in how to develop an electron app, I have a specific thing in mind here, but I don’t know for sure that it’s enough of a good idea to verbalize it I guess.

In summary:

Yeah, I guess this kinda helped a bit, it wasn’t complete I don’t think, but eh. Good enough for a late night word-salad regurgitation ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
Scheme, CL, uLisp (uLisp’s priority is … even lower than the other ones if I’m being honest).
Scala, D-lang, Rust.
Electron-app development.

PS: I just read the post I put up first day of last year:

Everything is exactly the same


Thank you for reading, now you can COMMENT BY THE WAY, which is kinda cool I guess.

Btw there is another post that will come, it’s date is earlier than this one though so it should appear before this one, where I’ll talk about a couple of neat things.