Okay well, first things first.

Let’s talk about that black stripe you see on the left of the screen (or the right if i changed that (or the top if you’re on mobile)) the sidebar navigator.

It originally had 4 links on it,

  • Home
  • About
  • Download
  • Github project

And then a string showing the version off.

I don’t exactly want nor need this.

I am thinking of something more like;

  • Home
  • About
  • Archives

Simple, clear, and no extra fuss.

The archives is basically a list of all the posts, maybe after reading some more of the doc i can allow myself to get creative, but until then I’ll just take anything i can get (for instance the code snippet included in the [Writing posts jekyll](https://jekyllrb.com/docs/posts/) page)

And since i might as well link the Github repo in the about page, so no need to add that ugliness.

I am a big fan of minimalism …… Well, when it suits me.

The about page:

I need to also make some modifications to the about page to add a # Credits or # Thanks: section where i give credit where it’s due.

After >5 hours:

Okay, well, i think I’ll stop tweaking every little thing here for a while at least.

Risk/return calculations disadvantageous, disengaging …

I’ll start thinking about this in terms of what it is : a blog and only start planning posts.

I’ll definitely try to improve it though.

Oh by the way I’ll definitely tweak a bit of the archive page just to make the post date appear and what not. heheeheheheheheh please help me

Also crap i need to do the thing i said about the # About: page.

Also test out images :thinking:

Oh also gotta see if i can get emojis to work

A few hours later:


First of all, i would like to start by saying that i am not tired.

Definitely not tired.


  • I still need to do that `# About`page thing.
  • I tested out images, i think they're good !
  • I'll let you guess about the emoji part


I think i should uh sleep.

But wait lemme just fix the archives pages here cuz you see the Github flavored markdown doesnt work, so i need to write the table manually in good’ol HTML


Success :

Archive page success.

That feels good.

Feels really good.


it’s 2 : 30 AM, i just spent close to 13 hours fiddling around, i think this is it or almost for HTML, round 2 of course is for CSS.