Guess who really hates procrastinating but is doing it yet ?
Not me i swear.
Madness :
I loaded an image in a pelican mock blog, served it in localhost:8080
, and noticed that it didn’t
fit; it loaded full size.
I panicked then i thought could it be a pelican bug ?
Probably not though, so i thought “hey since i hate myself anyways, i think i’ll recreate the entire
Hyde theme in here :)” and no i didn’t like the one available in the repo.
So here i am, am going to try it, if it doesn’t work, i guess i’ll go for another theme and if all
else fails ill try out Hugo next and if that fails i’ll just … Stay with my lousy jekyll setup
… I say my jekyll setup but really i don’t do jekyll, Github pages does :(
Well, there goes zen, squandering his life again do i even have a life at this point though.
another rabbit hole, another templating system, another static website engine make it stop