Hello there, long time no see, I haven’t wrote in a while so i thought, even though
at this point in time, my blog is probably read by no one, i would give an update of what’s going

Assignment in programming II class :

The assignment we have in programming II class is an assignment where we have to implement a
path-finding algorithm to simulate a GPS like interface i guess.

Still don’t understand what is requested in detail.

Oh, also we’re working with JAVA.

I feel kind of overwhelmed to be honest, as i don’t know how to start and its a group project and i
hate group projects and .. I feel all kinds of anxieties and whatnot.

But at the same time, it’s the same feeling every project and every assignment, so i don’t think
it’s all that bad.

Well, anyway.

Assignment in Internet Technologies class:

A peer to peer messaging app.

First part = Web interface for the app.

Second part = server side programming.

Still gotta add some tweaks here and there, but i think the web interface is pretty much done,
it will probably need to be modified since some JavaScript function seem to be playing the role of
placeholders more than anything.

I used HTML, CSS, and vanilla JavaScript for this.