Hello there, long time no see, I haven’t wrote in a while so i thought, even though
at this point in time, my blog is probably read by no one, i would give an update of what’s going on:

So, what’s up ?

Well, i’ve finished the assignement for the IT class (the peer to peer messaging SPA).


Obviously i used node+express+pug, those are the basis
In the end i ended up using socket.io, the teacher also required the messages to be locally
encrypted and decrypted using RSA encryption and such, but he didn’t explain jack shit so i guess
that’s why in the end he said that anything will do while being vague as fuck.
Yeah the teachers are always vague as fuck ¯\(ツ)/¯.
Damn though socket.io is really cool like you just create custom events and basically do whatever
the heck you want with data.

Oh by the way this reminds me, someday i have to get around talking about javascript and someday
also java.

I might do a post where i explain it all later.

Maybe not tho

The other assignement ?:

What Who Where ?

What do you mean other assignement ?

I only had one assignement.



The important thing :

Is that the semester is going to end in 20 April, finally, i hated every moment of this semester and
i can very confidently say i have learned nothing much.

heck this school.

heck this place.

What if that teacher reads this document though ?

I fail to see the problem.

Bad blog post :
