Hello, it’s been a while, i really am sorry for not writing more regularly, since that was not the plan at all.
So, what have i been up to lately ?
Well, quite a few i suppose, but also not much at the same time, let me explain …

Insert adequate heading title

I am on summer ‘break’ right now, however, i would still like to do some cool stuff in regards to programming and such.

The first thing i am considering is writing a RayTracer in C++ from scratch.
And then maybe continuing on my SICP adventure.
If i do at least these 2 things, I’ll be satisfied with myself.

However i must optimize my schedule.

But it’d be pretty boring to talk about that here, there’s something more important to talk about.

The plan for the blog

I keep procrastinating on writing blog posts, but i don’t want to do that anymore, I’ll see what i’m planning to talk about.

Todo :

Wanted to write these in a while :

  • A blog post about ConEmu.
  • A blog post about my opinion about CS education.
  • A blog post about the Sunk Cost fallacy.

Wanted to write these since last week:

  • A blog post about the RayTracer i’m writing.

Wanted to write this one since YESTERDAY :

  • A blog post about a laptop i found laying home unused and decided to take it under my care.

There you go !

I may have forgotten some post ideas, but that should be enough for now.