Whoa new jekyll theme

Hey, according to your previous post, you had a different theme, so what’s up ?

Check the dates of those posts, then you’ll realize that after all of that frustration it is only natural that i’d change themes to something better fitting for my needs.

Jekyll clean dark

I initially planned (as i did with the previous iteration of the theme) to simply take the original one again, and make some cautious modifications iteeratively and be done with that.

Now you have to understand, there is a reason that i procrastinated re-populating this blog with content:

  • The process described in the above paragraph scared me, as it’s practically the reason why i gave up earlier.
  • I bet some laziness is accountable too.

The one thing i DID NOT WANT was to have a light theme, i just don’t like light themes and i think they’re not reader-friendly, and anyone who likes them is a bad person, and something is wrong with them, and they need help.

Then i (very unironically) randomly stumbled upon this “Jekyll clean dark” theme, and i thought i’ll give it a go and see if it works.

It did.

It worked.

There is nothing inherently surprising about this, but it stil got me excited.

Given that i couldn’t make a forked repository private, I cloned it locally and pushed it as a stand-alone repo.

After modifying the standard stuff (the config file, the assets, etc.), i tried running jekyll serve in the directory, it ran well too, sweet.


This jekyll theme has some very cool features:

  • Disqus.
  • Analytics.
  • Table of contents.
  • Some cool text formatting.
  • Tags.
  • Some customazability.
  • Yandex metrica ?
  • kramdown in general i think.
  • Blog statistics(*).

And i think they are enough for me, so, … YAY for me.

I only saw the satistics functionality after i cloned/initialized my blog, so the functionality as of the date of writing this post, so the functionality isn’t working ? but there’s a file called stats.html and the repo has the code so i’ll copy paste it i guess, and if that doesn’t work, then i guess i’ll just delete it because while nice to have, it’s not crucial.

Obviously when i update the about page, i’ll credit the original creator of the jekyll clean dark (it’s street turtle on github, i’ll update the post with the relevant link).

I’m freaking tired of my obsessive habit of talking about the making of this blog instead of talking about better stuff.

Oh, well, a part of me enjoys the transparency, plus it might help some wandering soul.


So, soon i should read some DOCS

  • Ultisnips, just to know how to create snippets easily.
  • Ranger, for the lulz and the street cred (and honestly ranger seems cool).
  • Man pages for some utilities.
  • Arch wiki, just to check it.
  • Gotta know also how to conect to WiFi network from the command line.
  • Very quick overview of some parts of the vim reference manual.
  • Enable spellcheck in vim >:(
  • OH YES, i have to read the entire doc of the ALE plugin, gotta know why it didn’t work with a python file once.

And, as i said, i’ll also quickly overview the linuxjourney website, doesn’t go into gory detail, but surprisingly decent.