Well, i don’t particularly care what you think about’em, but i’m still liking this (until something goes slightly out of plan, then i hate everything and everyone).
So, what was in my todo list last time ?
Mhmm, yeah, my regex skillz are a bit lacking, so the advanced configuration/creation of snippets is out of my league right now, but given that my goal was only the simple stuff (which is still pretty powerful), i’d say i’m pleased; case in point: easily created a snippet for the YAML header for posts and stuff.
Not yet.
Arch Wiki
Really my only need for it was to check the list of application and see if i can find a good alternative for xfce4-volumed, but i didn’t find one in there and honestly, it in particular can wait.
Another aesthetic improvement that can wait
I wAnt mY BAckGRoUND to RoTATe.
After some googling, found that there is something called a cron, which is apparently something that is triggered periodically. Thought that was interesting but overkill for the task, maybe some other day.
After a bit of thought i figured i would just slap my i3config with exec_always feh --randomize some_wallpaper_dir
or something like that.
However, that means that it only changes every time i3 launches, which is not many.
Then just add a shortcut to relaunch that same command no?
Well probably, haven’t tried that yet.
Yeah no, I simply discovered that i can install some linter for any given language.
so … shrug
LaTeX, vim-live-latex-preview, and zathura
Oh yeah, i installed some tex stuff, i already had some tex tools i think, but i ran apt-get install texlive-full
and that pulled with it some more complete stuff (not necessarily happy about that since some fonts overwrote some of my font awesome ones and i dont even know which font is the culprit)
But oh well, i’ll deal with that later(if i do), tex is working somewhat as expected, i think i may have a problem when i’ll need to install a new package, but hopefully i won’t, (you dont have to deal with things that you know wont practically cause you any problem), i installed vim-live-latex-preview, tried it with MuPDF, didn’t update automagically, tried with zathura, it worked as expected.
Now i’ll probably read some
man zathura
Edit :7 days later : it’s done already !