
So, what I’ve done to my vim install so far:

  • UltiSnips, which was facilitated by the fact that the manjaro i3 default vim install has support for python.
  • NERDtree, for file navigation.
  • Vim-airline, a vice, to be sure, but an easily justifiable one, so shrug.
  • Added Tabular as well, which aligns text given a regexp or some such symbol just one command too.

This is it for now, will probably be adding other ones.


The i3bar and the default i3config seemed interesting, and there also seemed to be a great deal of default software that was added.

I wanted to know the details, and while i still don’t grasp exactly the details of i3blocks (haven’t actually analyzed it intensely since that goes against my new found self-oath that it doesn’t matter AT THIS POINT IN TIME), but I did take a look at the i3config because I knew that i had to read it (not modify or fiddle with it) just to get an idea of what was going on.

Interesting things

bmenu is neat.

mocp also intrigues me, although i’ll leave reading that man page to later.

Idle stuff

mmmm reads config, yeah i3scrot compton xkill the standard stuff …
ouh i didnt know about workspace next and prev, neat ..


This is where things got interesting.

  • nitrogen, should i keep it or change it for feh ?
  • manjaro-hello (the hello screen with the buttons for the wiki and such ..), autostart ? this ? is it worth it ? :thonk: i don’t think so ..
  • nm-applet, sure dude i aint touching that
  • xfce4-power-manager, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmMMMMmmm, dunno if it slows down the startup process that much never mind i’m leaving it, premature microOptimization attempt detected. Aborting … (Actually i miht end up removing it but not because of the speed, just cuz i can summon it when i need it)
  • pamac-tray, same thing as the last one, first of all i can summon it, second of all the most important thing is to remember regularly running sudo pacman -Syyu which i got aliased, so shrug.
  • conky, :thinking:
  • xautolock, … eh, sure whatever
  • ff-theme-util and fix_xcursor: dont know what they do, not engaging …

Seems about it for a shallow review of my first impressions with the i3config.


Sounds like an interesting program.
Not like an essential one.

Honestly, yesterday when i started contemplating this software, a lot of usecases jumped at me, like maybe i’ll write different scripts that will show some shortcuts for some software or something, but that sounds like bloat and honestly, like the kind of premature microOptimization attempt that i don’t want to waste my time on.

Scrot, bloating my desktop upScrot, in all its glory, or something …

Plus the little script thingy showcaseda in the desktop sounds like a neat idea, except that it really isn’t because it just incentivizes me to keep tabs on it and (like the predictable monkey-brained meatbag that i am) i start trying to lower the values in there, and watching the RAM values and such nonsense, UNUSED RAM IS WASTED RAM (full disclosure, i disliked RAM-Hoggers just as much as the next guy, but i saw a pattern of thought that started to emerge about how I HAVE TO KEEP RAM USAGE LOW OR ELSE … and i just dont like that very much).

Add to that the fact that honestly, it’s visual BLOAT.

Might just delete it.

Pale moon, GET OUT


No further comment other than, why isn’t firefox the default ?

So yeah, used it a bit at first, promptly removed it and installed firefox.

The visual bloat … shudders

Useless junk/packets

Removed some stuff i knew i would never gunna use: like hexchat, deluge (that stopped working anyways [i think there was some incomta- doesn’t matter]), and clipit i think.

Random thought

I should get a decent laptop stand :) [eyes twitch]


Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.

Yeah, i think i basically willed myself out of analysis-paralysis, it’s honestly such a weird feeling and it DEFINITELY makes me uncomfortable because i feel like things are a bit incomplete, but i rest assured in telling myself that i’ll fix all those little things that annoy me in my free time.