Steps for partitioninig

There shoud be a:

  • / partition
  • /home partition
  • swap partition

/ partition

From 20 to 50 GB
Could be less than that
Minimum of 7gb
I am going to go fo 25 Gigs

The mount point, of course is /
The fils system ext4

home partition

As much space as you can spare …
mount point /home

swap partition

2-4 GB

One last task

One last task that needs to be completed here before moving to the next step, is specify the ESP. That should be /dev/sdb2, so click on it.

Put its mount point as /boot/efi

Update Grub

If all goes well, you still wont be able to boot into windows for the moment.

  • boot into manjaro

My setup

My current setup is this :
My current partition scheme

So, what I’m thinking is:

  • The 48,83 Gigs partition will be the ‘/’ one.
  • I will shrink the C: partition to fit the other ones:
    • Swap : probably will make it 4 Gigs
    • Home : probably will make it …. 75 Gigs … eh .. yeah why not ..


So the only things left for me to do right now (won’t install right now, don’t have the live media) is to shrink C to make space for a new 80 Gigs partition.

The test

What I am unsure about is if or not an install can have non-contiguous partitions.