So, i was going to start playing around and talking about my “projects” not concerning this blog ( in other words, moving on with the damn blog) but things kept on coming up so I’ve decided to talk about the technical stuff concerning this blog first to get it over with, (well, for the most part anyways).
The idea :
Thought about how i always wanted a blog, started looking around and thought WordPress was a good idea, then suddenly i remembered that Github pages was a thing, still hesitant i looked around how to go about this, several long and tedious hours later, here we are !
The beginning :
Well, i started reading this blog post, did the thing, then after forking the thing and setting up my ‘blog’, i quickly realized that i didn’t exactly want to stick to the theme available there, i wanted to change to something else called ‘Hacker theme’, and the tutorial didn’t show a way of doing it which was … retarded a questionable decision coming from the maker of that tutorial, so now i had no tutorial to follow, guess i’ll just read the tutorial or the official jekyll docs right ?
Abandon all hope, ye who enter here
The tutorial said that i could change the theme by going over to the settings and changing it on a scroll down menu.
Well, … i tried that, under different iterations (locally with modifying _config.yml
, hosted with same setup, …. ), and well, it didn’t work.
I am oversimplyfying it a lot bit because otherwise this post would be even longer but i think the following image can be a pretty good summary of what i felt at the end of this laborious process :).
Yeah, i gave up doing a blog altogether, but of course that didn’t play out since someone is reading this, … Well hopefully i mean.
So, I’m really really REALLY really really really angry at jekyll at this point but not just because i didn’t find a way to make it work, but also because i feel like i wasted such a big amount of time (~2 days basically) when i could have gone to do something more interesting (at the time i wanted to make a LaTeX template from my digital dream journal, and I’ll probably definitely talk about it in one post and i assume I’ll change that last string into a link ;]), but something inside of me just didn’t want to give up on all of this.
Poole/Hyde/Lanyon :
I stumbled on a video on YouTube, “How to install Jekyll themes”, the person on the video talked about this Lanyon theme that i kinda like and so i went and did kind of the same thing (instead of the whole gh-pages
branch i stayed with master since after all, it’s not a project page but a full-fledged blog I’m after), then i tested the same thing for another theme that’s from the same author, and it is of course Hyde.
I ended up preferring Hyde, so i forked it and customized the pages that i could customize and well, i began doing what i mentioned back at Structure and Links which is all cool and good.
Then all that came after really are some minor changes here and there.
The plans :
Hmm … What i plan to do ????
Well next thing is probably going to be writing the About page.
Yeah, i bet that’s the first time you heard about that huh ?
And then, but this is very secondary, is probably reading up on the CSS files and seeing if i
can modify some stuff. But that is very uhmmm well not urgent.
Also, i think, but again this is also secondary, might add google analytics ( ??? )
And i think I’ll optimize the related post algorithm.
Let me explain.
So, for now related post just lists the 3 last posts.
That’s it.
That’s literally all that thing does, which is far from i imagine it to do, à savoir listing posts that only belong to the same category or something like that.
Also just had the idea of changing the layout of the posts (aka changing _layouts/post.html
) so i include the word count of each post, to have a general idea of the length of post; i admit it’s sort of pedantic on my part, but I’m only doing it since it’s such a simple addition (god bless jekyll liquid tags)