Scala post
In which I talk more about details regarding the scala rewrite.
Mealy machine, Java records, and some spicy scalability
In which I talk about the software application I developed for my bachelor's thesis, and I talk about a potential rewrite project for it.
Pointless ramble.
This actually started in my diary but I thought I might as well put it here since technically this blog is a diary of sorts and it's been a while, so ... here we are!
Repeat after me, comment after me, assemble before me!
Quick summary covering what I've done and what I plan on doing.
The title of this post
Getting some thoughts out of my head and into here, this post is mostly rambly.
Continuing the journey ...
I think, now, after studying a fair bit of Haskell, I am ready to switch gears yet again.
Taking a time out
After 3 months of SICP, I'm changing gears a bit.
Fleeting ideas ...
A new idea is floating in my head now, and I don't know if I should seriously contemplate it or not ...
Mutation is a spook
Some further thoughts on why i like the Wizard Book, and elaborating on a recent AHA moment i had when reading section 3.2, the environment as a model of evaluation.
Building Abstraction with Data
My overview on SICP's second chapter; Building abstraction with data.
Quick notes
Very quick post to brag about a one liner, but also to attempt and explain it.
On Competence, and the coming year
A new year ... another one ...
An experiment in C++ multithreading.
In which i tell you about that time i decided to make life a bit more complicated by redoing an assignment i had in a language i am not entirely familiar with using a paradigm pretty much unknown to me, welcome to zenBlog.
NERDTree? Hah, what do i look like, A NERD?
The tale of a tool that has outlived its usefulness
Can't stop, won't stop
It's a disease, and now i've understood the cure, or maybe the thought that i have understood the cure is part of the diesease ? idk ... like how people who are addicted always claim that they can stop doing whatever it is they are doing ? oh no i just spooked myself.
Quick Recap
In which I very quickly skim through what I've done post-install, no autism this time (i hope)
Manjaro everybody!
Post install ramblings, thoughts, and plans, and a discussion between two people that are actually the same person.
Dual booting setup
In which I outline my tentative plan for partitioning my system in order to install M A N J A R O with the i3 community install
Some C tomfoolery
In which I promise, yet again, that I wont do the same mistake that I've always done while desperetely trying to convince the reader that this time, it actually is truly, honestly, genuinely the last time Except of course, that this time _REALLY IS_ truly, genuinely, and honestly the last time.
Scheming and structuring
Venturing through SICP, hopefully i learn something new.
In which i talk once more about useless irrational investements that will bring only a marginal improvement in my workflow.
Getting back up to speed
In which i talk about this new jekyll theme and its propreties. And a certain functionality i might implement. And a TODO list for picking up speed with linux/commandline manipulation.
In which I try to somehow explain my absence (kinda) (sorta) and talk about some other things. I also experience with a new functionality of this jekyll theme.
YABU -- Yet another boring update.
Another update.
Quick update.
Procrastinating with the pelican
vim plugins ? what do you think i am, a weakling ?
Pelican, another static website generator
From the command line to the explorer !
Quick shoutout to a YouTube channel
Luke smith is pretty cool!
Vim casts
Need. To. Unclutter.
Vim, because of course !
Blog post about the VIM cleaning agent ! Real cleansing as well.
Things and stuff
Twas a real struggle back in the day my friends, or maybe i was just too foolish to know how to behave myself correctly, but i like to believe the first alternative.
Structure and Links
guess what everybody it is another outdated post talking about things no one cares about, weeheee
Testing things
Testing ground for the functionalities of the blog, kind of a scary post to me, because there is a risk i walk in on it and something is not working which, knowing me, will disable me until i fix said functionality no matter its actual concrete utility.
Plans, plans, plans, PLANS
Hello world !
Hello world, this is the first post in this very exciting blog post.